2016年4月8日 星期五

蛋白小精靈Meringue fairies

The meringue is too sweet for me so I place it on a slightly salty puff pasry to balance out the flavor.
Crunchy meringue+smooth cutard+crispy puff pastry= Happiness that melts in your mouth:)

份量: 50隻 make about 50 faries
A. 蛋白        2顆約70g
B. 細砂糖        105g(蛋白重量的1.5倍)
C. 檸檬汁/塔塔粉       1小匙
D. 千層酥皮      約500g
E. 卡式達醬      300g
F. 可可粉    2小匙
G. 熱水     1小匙

egg whites      2(about 70g)
caster sugar      105g(1.5 times the weight of egg white)
lemon juice or cream of tartar     1t
puff pastry      about 500g
custard       300g
cocoa powder     2t
hot water        1t

1. 將A與C放入大碗中,用電動打蛋器以中低速打,直到出現大泡泡再轉高速,打到軟性發泡(舉起打蛋器時出現彎勾)
Place your egg whites and lemon juice into the bowl of an electric mixer and beat at medium speed until large bubbles start to form. Beat on high speed until soft peaks starts to form.
2. 將B分次加入蛋白中,一次一大匙(過程中持續以高速打)。打到糖都融化(可以捏一點蛋白在指尖搓搓看有無顆粒感)並且呈現硬性發泡(舉起打蛋器時出現尖峰)。將蛋白霜裝入圓形(1cm)擠花嘴。
Add in the sugar one table spoon at a time. Continue to whisk on high speed until all the sugar has dissolved and forms stiff peaks. Transfer your meringue into a piping bag with round nozzle.
3. 將擠花袋保持垂直,從2cm高擠、停、拉起,就能在烤盤紙上擠出小雨滴。重複動作擠完所有蛋白霜。
To pipe little rain drops, keeps your pipping bag vertical and start about 2cm tall from the non-stick baking paper. Squeeze, out the desired amount, stop, then pull up. Continue to pipe rest of the meringue.
4. 以100℃烤約45分鐘直到能輕易將蛋白霜從紙上剝離
Bake at 100℃/212℉ for about 45 mins or until the meringue can be easily peeled away from the paper.
5. 把D切成邊長4cm的方塊,以200℃烤到金黃
Cut the puff pastry into 4x4cm squares; bake at 200℃/392℉ until golden brown.
6. 將F、G拌勻成濃稠液體,用牙籤在蛋白精靈上畫出笑臉
Stir the cocoa powder into the hot water. It should become a thick paste. Use the cocoa paste and a toothpick to draw some smiley faces on the fairies.
7. 在酥皮上擠一些E,放上蛋白精靈就完成囉
Pipe some custard onto the squares and put on the meringue fairies.

